Admission by Donation Only

The participants from the Sevan Music Festival decided that their work was not done after last week’s event. They decided to have another event for the community of Sevan as a charity for Sevan’s youth. Six of the performers from the music festival were able to attend, the event also featured the musician Naira Vardanyan […]

The sevan musical launched in

On August 24th ahead of the Sevan Lake Day on the Sevan peninsula we had the Sevan Music Festival. We had representatives from all over the Gergharkunik region present at our festival. The festival participants were from Vardanis, Gavar, Sevan, and villages from around the area. Their day was full of fun activities despite the stubborn

A pleasant meeting

Today, August 14th, the Sevan Youth Club English Club hosted the English club from Hrazdan. The youth from Hrazdan and Sevan had a joint English class and then discussed ways that we would be able work together in the

Sevan Music Festival_Indiegogo

The fundraising period for our Indiegogo fundraiser is running out. We have had great support from people sharing our account on their facebook and other forms of media, but we only have 5% of our requested amount. We want to thank all of those who have already donated and to those who have provided their time and support to our cause. We will soon announce more information on the festival.

Thank you for